Credit Score
Social media and loan approval?
Imagine having your recent loan application denied because of who you are friends with on social media. It might sound crazy but in fact there are some lenders that not only are reviewing your social media pages they are also asking you for your login credentials to Facebook and Twitter accounts as a prequalification checklist. …
5 Characteristics of a Low Risk Credi...
People are always contacting me about ways they can improve their credit score or asking about what things effect their FICO score. A lot of times this question can be specifically answered without reviewing their individual credit profile as it stands currently but there are some basic sound building blocks that are universal to having …
Zombie Debt: What it is and what you ...
Three Ways to improve your credit sco...
The temptation was too much…now wha...
The holiday season is now over and for many comes the real downer of figuring out how much money they spent on credit cards and what they should do with the new retail credit cards they opened. While I express to people all of the time to avoid that situation sometimes that advice is ignored because the temptation …
How to Prepare Your Credit for a Mort...
A lot of the people that come to hear me speak or contact me for a credit consultation have the same goal, to purchase a home or refinance the current mortgage loan they have. Usually they contact me after they have discovered that their current FICO score is not high enough to accomplish that goal. …
Spending to improve your FICO score?
What you bought is not what it you th...
If you have ever felt confused by credit scores, don’t feel alone! Everywhere you go from the internet, to television ads, to radio commercials you will see some type of product that you can purchase to learn your “credit score”. All kinds of companies are now making a big push to have us as consumer’s …
Why is 50 points such a big deal?
Just about everyone understands that your credit score is a very important number when it comes to your financial livelihood, but have you ever thought to understand why? The purpose of the FICO score is to predict the statistical chance of a consumer being 90 days late or more in the next two years.But more …